Tuesday, September 25, 2007

黑带的责任 (Responsibilities of Black Belt)

黑带意味着武道修炼的一个境界,一种技术完善的标志,也是千万武道修炼者崇拜的偶像。  黑带是辛勤和努力的结果,更是至尊荣誉的象征。佩带一条黑带的武者意味着责任重大,他不仅要做好人、端正做人的方向、更应该具备的是不断的开拓创新,具有永远斗争和永无止境的实践精神。用自我控制来作为一种生活的习惯,反省和防范自身的鲁莽习惯及陋习,并在比赛中做到尊重对手。   

黑带是应该有头脑、反应敏锐、技术超群并具有豁达胸襟的武者,他能够有效的训练和推广自己的技术。他本身不一定是一个格斗专家,但从引导他人思想、教授他人技术及理论知识的传授都是精益求精的好榜样。并且在任何可能出现的情况中以自身的才智、勇气及强大的精神力量来化解自身的危机。   佩带黑带的人通过多年的考验及自身的努力,具有识别搏击技艺好坏的眼光,从言谈举止中、衣食住行中都应垂范于社会,让社会行为得之净化。   


佩带黑带是每个学员梦寐以求的愿望,也是黑带责任者长时间为之维护和保持的尊严。在黑带刚得到的那一刻,巨大的挑战不会因为成功而消失,反之千万件难事随之出现,而黑带则必须以超于常人的气魄更加的努力和进取。  黑带不是对个人荣誉的加冕,而是责任,是武道的修炼者和维护者,黑带代表格斗技术,更代表做人的态度,没有后者的话,黑带不过是一条百多元的布条而已。如果追求格斗的极至杀伤力,不应在道场,参加黑市拳赛可能更有效。


Tsun Jin TKD Information Blog 循中跆拳道资讯部落格

Attention to all Tsun Jin High School Taekwon Do Association Member:

1. 以后所有的考试,成绩,通告,讨论和消息,我们都会在这一个网页上发布,请会员们留意。In future, we will publish the information of the grading test, result, new, notice, discussion, detail and etc in this website, please always visit it. http://taekwondogtf.blogspot.com/

2. 以后每两周这个网页都会有新的资讯贴上,包括:短片,组图,文章,等等。。。
We will publish new information two week once. It is included: movies, photos, words document, etc..

Member please warmly visit on this website, write some comment, and give some feedbacks. This will help me to improve our blog. Thanks.

甘耀煌 教练上
Kum Yew Wong

Monday, September 10, 2007

Latest Grading Test 30/09/2007 将近的升级考试

我们循人中学的道场将会在30/09/2007 下午12时至下午5时,在Cheras Perdana联同其他的道场进行升级考试。我们将会有大约30人参与考试。希望他们能把平时练习时所学习到的在考官前展现。我认为考试只是一个给您证明您已经到达什么阶段的舞台,最重要的还是自己要认真的对待自己在每一个阶段所学习的一切。那。。。您又有证明了吗?

Our Dojo Tsun Jin High School will help a grading test on 30/09/2007 12pm ~ 5 pm, the venue is in Cheras Perdana. We will join the others Dojo to participate the test. Hope the student can show out the best effort to the Master on that day. I always believe that the grading test is only the platform for us to know what is the level we are staying now. The most important thing is, we must seriously to learn in every level. Then....what have you proof in your life?

Thursday, September 6, 2007

Basic Self Defend Technique 初学者基础自卫术

在我们的跆拳道的教学课程里,我们已经有对初学者(color belt)教导一些基本的自卫术。因为自卫术和其他的技术一样,它是一门易学难精并且需要长时间练习的技巧。自卫术顾名思义是在本身遇到攻击时依照情况的许可作出一定程度上的防卫性攻击。说的简单点便是保卫自己的防御和攻击技术。

In our Taekwon Do Class teaching processs, we have imply some basic self defend techniques to the color belt learner. This is because the self defend technique need the learner to spend long period of time to practice and to master it. The meaning of Self Defend technique is, "when you are under attack and you must apply some defensive technique to counter attack. It also can say that Self Defend technique is one kind of defensive's attacking technique.

Below is some picture of our student demo: