Friday, February 12, 2010

恭祝大家2010年新年快乐! Wish Everyone Happy Chinese New Year!

本人甘耀煌在这里向所有的人献上我的新年祝福,希望新的一年开始“世界和平,国泰平安,丰衣足食,身体健康,万事如意,还有财源广进”。相信这些都是我们大家的愿望吧,让我们大家一起努力的达成愿望!Wish all of my friend and relative Happy Chinese New Year!

顺带在这里我要通知大家两个消息:(Taekwon-Do Information and Notice)

1。 武道馆的跆拳道课将于12-02-2010休息直到19-02-2010。如有任何询问请联络我 016-2215802。
(MFA Taekwon-Do Class will close from 12-02-2010 until 19-02-2010, please contact me if any inquiry 016-2215802)

(Ancient Taekown-D0 Association will held a gathering in this Chinese New Year, we are welcome all of our members, your friends, relative, and social public to join us, thanks)

- (Date and Time ) 时间:07-03-2010 (1am ~ 3pm)

- (Venue ) 地点 :Taman Segar Rukun Tettanga Hall

(欢迎出席,不需任何费用)Welcome all of you and do not have any charges.

如果有任何询问请联络汤人彬教练,012-3667592。 (Please contact Mr. Thung for any inquiry 012-3667592)