Thursday, December 20, 2007

What is PGTF? Pan-Malaysia Global Taekwon-Do Federation 什么是PGTF?

The Pan-Malaysia Global Taekwon-Do Federation (PGTF) is officially recognized by the Global Taekwon-Do Federation, GTF Taekwon-Do as the National Governing Body for GTF in Malaysia. Datuk Othman Talib, President of PGTF is dedicated and committed to the promotion and further development of GTF in Malaysia. All Taekwon-Do members in Malaysia are encouraged to contact PGTF to continue their membership to GTF worldwide.

以上这一段短文是由跆拳道GTF总部发布,并且在马来西亚报章上有正式公布的消息,内容是说PGTF是由GTF总部正式承认并且授权在马来西亚管辖所有GTF事务的单位。Datuk Othman Talib -- PGTF的主席,他承诺将会在马来西亚全力的发展和推介GTF。所有的GTF跆拳道会员受促尽快的联络PGTF以便更新他们的GTF全球会员资格。

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

My Dojang Getting the School Optimum Progressive Society 2007 Award (我们的道场得到2007年最佳进步奖)

Yes ! Our Taekwondo (GTF) Society received the proud and important Honor! That is Tsun Jin High School Optimum Progressive Society 2007 Award!

This year December our Taekwondo (GTF) Society receive this award from the School Headmaster. We are really happy and proud, because this honor is not to gain. Here, I wish to say Thank You to all of our member, society teachers and instructors. Thanks for your effort to make our society grow.

This photo take at very late on that day, therefore, not every member included inside. Apologize for people who is not included in this photo.

YES! 我们的跆拳道学会得到了一个很重要的荣耀!2007 年循人中学学会最佳进步奖

我们的道场在今年的12月得到了由学校颁发的2007年度学会最佳进步奖,我们大家都很高兴,因为这个奖是不容易得到的,学员和老师的加油和配合下我们才有机会能获得这个荣耀。在这里感谢所有对我们跆拳道学会有尽力和付出的人。 我甘耀煌在这里代表本会向你们道谢。
