Saturday, May 24, 2008

20/04/2008 考试名单核对 Confirmation of Taekwon-do Grading Test Name list


1. LIM MENG SENG (White -- White Yellow)
2. LIM WAI KIEN (White -- White Yellow)
3. LIEW SHEAU SHIAN (White -- White Yellow)
4. YAP WAI LOON (White -- White Yellow)
5. HONG CHOONG WAI (Yellow Green -- Green)
6. ONG CHANG HONG (Yellow Green -- Green)
7. YONG MENG KIT (Yellow Green -- Green)
8. LAI ZHE JUN (Blue -- Blue Red)
9. LAI KAH LOKE (Blue Red -- Red)
10. LIM WEI KWAN (Blue Red -- Red)
11. LIM ZHENG YANG (Blue Red -- Red)

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

20/04/2008 Taekwondo Grading Test 跆拳道考试后记

Congratulation to all of the student participated the grading test on 20/04/2008, because you are PASS! In Future, I really hope all of you can keep on to achieve the higher score in the Taekwondo Grading Test. In the journey of learning the Taekwondo, color of the belt or the "Dan" of the black belt is not so important for me to judge my student level. However, all of my student should go for grading test to proof yourself. What you need to proof? Are you ready for further move upward and in the status of "Fit and Strong". This is the important point for me to view. Therefore, wish all of my student is a strong fighter in Taekwondo and also in their life.

恭喜所有在20-04-2008参加跆拳道升级考试的学员,因为你们都及格了!在将来,希望你们能继续加油并且能在每一次的考试中都获的更高的分数。在学习跆拳到的路途上,我并不以你们带上的颜色或黑带上的段数来作为衡量你们表现的最重要标准。但是,所有我的学生都必须在适当的时间上参加跆拳道的考试来证明你自己。证明些什么?-- 就是你已经有能力要使自己更上一层楼,同时你的意志和身体已经达到这一阶段的“强”。这就是我认为最重要的。因此,我希望我所有的学员都会是最强的战斗员,无论在跆拳道学习里或在你们的人生中。