Monday, November 26, 2007

跆拳道与李小龙的 - 寸劲 (TaekwonDo and Bruce Lee - One Inch Punch)


Many of the martial art learner believed that "One Inch Punch" is came from the WuShu "Yong Chun" style. They also think that, this name is created by the "Yong Chun". But, in the world of "Yong Chun", it never exist before. In the training of "Yong Chun", it only have "Long Distance Force" and "Stance Force"description in the way of using power. This is means that, Yong Chun have the similar theory with the " One Inch Punch". But, Yong Chun is not the first using the name of "One Inch Punch".

长桥发力意思就是当您的手明明已经伸至最长的时候,仍然可以继续发出高扭力的狠劲,我们常常在练跆拳道的人口中听说"发拳力来至于距离”,就是等于他们还未能做到长桥发大。至于腰马的旋动,即可用来发力,亦可用来御力,用来发力的时候,马步加上腰力,可以在极 短的距离发出极大扭力的一拳,而这两项都是达成寸劲的原理,但是许多练习跆拳道的人就不太重视腰马,所以就很难明白如何练习寸劲。

"Long Distance Force" is means that, when your hand is already go to the maximum limit, it also can expose the high twisting power in the last short distance. We always hear the Taekwondo Learner say that "The Power is from the Distance". This is means they are still unable to understand how to use the "Long Distance Force". The "Stance" is a twist of the haunch, it can use to increase your force and also can use to decrease the force of attack in. When we use stance to perform a punch, we can easily throw out a powerful punch at the short distance by twisting of the haunch with stance. But, many of the Taekwondo Learner do not put much effort on this issue. This is why they difficult to understand how to increase they power.

其实,寸劲完全是一个人作出来的名称,而这个人就是大家都十分熟悉的李小龙,在五十年代以前,是肯定没有寸劲这个称号的,应该可以在清楚一点的明的是,寸劲应该是在六十年代,当李小龙去西雅图之后才作出来的名词。当时,李小龙在美国长堤 国际空手道大赛上应邀表演拳法的时候,他只不过是一个十九岁的年轻人,但是已经能技惊四座。那时他就已经示范了寸劲,并称之为"寸劲”,由此可见,这一名词是由李小龙在他二十岁前就作出来了。能作得出一个如此传神,合理,特别,顺口而且能让人明了的名词,一定要那个人本身是有极高的武术境界和文化修养才可,所以有些人认为李小龙不过是一介武夫,由此可见不尽然。

Actually, th name of "one inch punch" is a person name Bruce Lee design out. Before 1950s, we are very sure this name never appear in the world. But, it is start in the 1960s, when Bruce Lee go to the US and do the Demonstration for the International Karate Tournament. When Bruce Lee do this demonstration in US he is only a 19 years old young man. But, at that event his technique is enough frighten to everyone of there. He show the power of "One Inch Punch" and also announce this technique name. The name of this technique created by Bruce Lee is very creative, logic, attractive and easy to remember. Therefore, we can know that Bruce Lee is not only a man just know KungFu. He is also a man who have a high educated mind.

I believe that, if Taekwondo learner can practice this "one inch punch" combine in the Taekwondo technique, it will sure increase the power of hand and leg.

Friday, November 9, 2007

The Force or Power of TaekwonDo (跆拳道的威力)

Many peope have this kind of believe -- "HE/SHE is physically strong so that they have more power than me." Actually, this is only a description correct in a half. We always think that the power of body is from the physical strong. But, many martial art learner also knows that, the actual great power from the body is "Jing". This can be easy show from a example -- a children deny to visit a doctor. The Children scare to go in the doctor room and the mother/father try very hard to pull him in. This children never learn martial art, and he/she do not know what is stance. But, at that moment his/her internal force suddenly increase and the mother/father also fell very hard to pull him move. This is Why? The reason is -- this children using the "Jing" to fight the external forces. He/she eventually using the stance, internal force, body twist, and etc. All of these combine in one point (the hand) and perform as a output, therefore, he/she is more difficultly to move by anyone compare to the normal time. This is the force of " JING"!

The picture above show that, a Taekwondo back belt girl punch in one blank 1 inches wood. She fell very easy to perform this and she do not fell any pain in hand. (Actually she can easily break 3 blanks.) Look carefully in her stance and hand style, she is using a " JING" and not only "Body Physical Force" to do this. I have watch many Taekwondo, Karate, Wushu or othes martial art grading test, many strong men break the wood and their hand also injure at the same time. No matter how physical strong they are, if they are not using the right force they will injure. This is the different in using of Body's physical force and "JING"!

Your power is not only from your physical body, it is from your internal and how you perform it by combine the body movement. More practice you do, more internal power will expose at the time you use it. You are accumulate it when you are in practice. Therefore, practice is very important to a martial art learner.

If anyone interest on my study on this issue please reply a comment to me, and I will disccuss and share more one this. Thanks for your time to read this.

Sunday, November 4, 2007

Taekwon Do Night - Road to Toronto (跆拳道之夜 - 迈向多伦多之路)

Malaysia Persatuan Taekwondo Negeri Selangor (PTNS) will held a Taekwondo Night on 07th December 2007 in KL Cheras PGRM. This dinner main objective is to pace the road to the tournament of Grandmaster Park Club in Canada (Toronto). All of the dinner income will put to use in funding the participation in this tournament. Each Table is RM1000.00 and each seat is RM100.00. During the dinner it will have the singer to perform, Taekwondo Demonstrate, and lucky Draw, therefore, we wish can successfully create the awareness to public. If anyone interest to support our dinner please contact me in 0162215802 or email me Thanks!

马来西亚雪兰莪跆拳道公会 (PTNS) 将于07/12/2007 晚上 在吉隆坡蕉赖民政大厦举办跆拳道之夜。这一次的晚宴主要的目的是要为2008年在加拿大多伦多的 Grandmaster Park Club 杯出队筹款,所有在这次晚宴的盈余将会用在提供给明年赞助出战加拿大队伍的费用。每张桌子的捐款是RM1000.00, 每个位子的捐款是RM100.00. 在晚宴的节目内将有歌舞助兴,跆拳道表演,和幸运抽奖,所以我们希望各界人士能踊跃支持。如有兴趣支持我们这次的晚宴的,可以联络我 0162215802, 或电邮我 谢谢!