Monday, July 6, 2009

7th GTF Taekwon-Do World Championships Malaysia 2009 TV3 Television News 05/07/2009

Our 7th GTF World Championships Malaysia 2009 had successfully launching on 04/07/2009 (Saturday) in Stadium Badminton Kuala Lumpur, which leaded by our Grandmaster Linda Park (GTF) and the President of PGTF Dato Othman Talib. During the Opening Ceremony, there was about 17 countries, 500 participants were gather in the stadium, cheered to this event launching. All of us were happy to see this event could successfully held in Malaysia. The PGTF committee members had contributed a lot and putting all of their efforts to make this event more successfully and memorable one. Below is the Malaysia's TV3 Television News on 05/07/2009.

2009年7月4日 (星期六)在马来西亚吉隆坡羽球场,由我们全世界跆拳道联盟(GTF)的最高主席Mrs Linda Park和我们泛马来西亚全世界跆拳道联盟(PGTF)的主席拿督Othman Talib的带领下正式成功的宣布开幕。这次的开幕典礼有来自17个不同的国家约500名的跆拳道好手齐聚在一起共同的欢呼和见证这次的盛事。我们泛马来西亚全世界跆拳道联盟(PGTF)的筹委们和会员都十分的高兴和荣幸的看到此次的赛事能成功的举办,因为我们大家都在过去的这两年内为举办这次的赛事而付出了不少的心血,时间,金钱和精力。以下是一段马来西亚电视台TV3在现场录影采访的片段.