Tuesday, January 1, 2008

征求跆拳道教学地点 New place for open Taekwondo Class wanted!

本人从恩师汤仁彬教练手中接管循人中学跆拳道道场已有三年,今循中道场已上了轨道,所以本人希望在2008 年内多开一班,以尽本分把跆拳道发扬光大和回馈社会。因本人尚未找到合适的地点或学校,所以在这里发布这一折短讯,希望能有有心人能为我介绍或推荐。本人感激万分,请联络本人 甘耀煌 Tel:0162215802 谢谢!

I was received the right to manage and teach the Taekwondo in Tsun Jin High School from my Taekwondo Instructor - Mr. Thung Jin Ping 3 year ago. Now, Tsun Jin High School Taekwondo Society is already move into the right track. Therefore, I wish can open one more class in KL to promote our Taekwondo Art and also contribute to the society. Hope anyone who can introduce or recommend a place or school for me to start my class contact my mobile phone : 0162215802 KUM YEW WONG. Thanks


Anonymous said...

我也是练taekwondo的学生...我也想join你们的活动...i hope can join ur class ...

KUM YEW WONG 甘耀煌 said...

如果您有兴趣请联络我 0162215802

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