Wednesday, August 5, 2009

武道馆跆拳道班新班招生 MFA Taekwon-Do - New Class Opening!!


Pandan Indah武道馆跆拳道班于2009年5月10日开幕后,开始在每个星期六4pm~6pm招收第一班新学员,由于反应热烈,本馆的第一班已经满额,并且还陆续有家长和有兴趣者来电询问,因此本跆拳道班将在8月开始于每星期四晚上8pm~10pm加开第二班,希望能为大家提供多一班的学习机会,由于名额有限,希望大家能尽快联络本馆报名。
本跆拳道班更是秉承着能把这种有益身心的学习项目更加广泛的推广开去,以便能让更多的社会大众能学习到这种能强身自卫的武术。本馆跆拳道班练习时间为星期六 4pm~6pm 和星期四 8pm~10pm,学费每月RM50.00 ,而新学员需交RM20.00报名费,报名后道服将免费提供每人一件直至本班额满为止,欲报名者请尽速联络教练-甘耀煌:016-2215802 或武馆管理人-吴文俊 016-6667321。更多资料清参阅本馆的网站
Pandan Indah MFA Taekwon-Do Class started the enrolment on 10/05/2009. Till today, the Saturday Class (4pm – 6pm) was already full. However, we still receive a lot of enquiries about the classes, therefore, we decided to open another class on every Thursday 8pm-10pm. We hope can provide more learning opportunity for those people who are interested to learn the martial art.
New Enrolment has started now on Thursday Class! First come first serve, the number of places are limited.
Taekwon-Do is a martial art that emphasis on respects, defends, moral, spirit and healthy. Since it has been added-in with modern sport elements and the way of teaching is systemized, it's suitable for all people of any ages starting from 4 years old regardless of sex. There are plenty of advantages in training Teakwon-do. From learning the Taekwon-Do, we are not only can build up our body fitness and healthy and it is also a technique that can protect ourselves when necessary. Therefore, we wish can widely promote this martial art to the public through our MFA Teakwon-Do Class. Our Website is
The classes information are as follow:-

MFA Taekwon-Do Class Detail

Time: Every Thursday or Saturday

Fees: RM50.00 per Month (New Student - RM20.00 Registration Fees)

Free 2 Trial Classes and 1 Set Uniform (Upon Registration and 1st month fee paid)

Contact Persons: Kum Yew Wong 016-2215802
Ng Wen Chun 016-6667321


Ca nguyen said...

hi I am vietnamese and I learn teakwondo too

KUM YEW WONG 甘耀煌 said...

Thanks for your comment. Can you read Chinese? Welcome you give me your sugggestion thanks again.